Writing, even for those of us who love it, is hard.
There is often tension between the ideas in our head and the words we've managed to get on the page. Is the tone just so? Is my concept clear enough? Does my reader truly see me? Seasoned writers know that great pieces only look effortless; compelling writing takes work.
When feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the slog of writing, Ernest Hemingway told himself he just needed to write "one true sentence." If he could write "the truest sentence" that he knew, that small feat would be enough to take the writing where it needed to go.
I believe this perspective is a helpful one for students facing difficult writing. Young adults are examining hard topics, tackling in-depth academia, and living great stories. Every student has something valuable to say, whether for an article in the school paper or a personal statement for their dream college. It is my job and delight to coach students to write something they are proud of, using the experiences and writing skills they already have - one true sentence at a time.